But a Key Away What will I say to her when she finally grasps the life of my soul within the palms of her gentle hands? How shall I show her, the boundaries of my love are equal unto her desire? My soul beckons to her, hold me close, Yet closer still, for the chill of loneliness, Emptyness, tears at my heart with ruthless ferocity, and endless anguish. Take heed, grasp my love before the darkness casts shackles around it, and chains it unto the bewildering dungeon amonst the deepest recesses of the abyss. Look deep into my eyes, search for the light which is held captive by demons who laugh at the torment of their prey. Search for the key, unlock the door which will release the light of my love back unto the world, and into your loving arms. My love, my heart, the essence of my very soul awaits your discovery, to be redeemed into content solitude within your life. Search not long or far, for I am but a key away in partaking of all the cherished love you desire. But the spark grows dim, Yet the fresh breath within you, Will breath new life into it, and into your life as well. Seek me out, for I am but a grasp away....................... Nichole Letitia Byrom July 21, 1997